Oh my! This is stunningly beautiful. And it reaches deep, beyond my skin, and touches my soul (wherever that is - I can't locate it, I simply feel it).
I believe this piece of writing found me at the exact moment I needed it. Or I found it. Or we found each other.
As you have capacity and desire please keep writing...I need it. The world needs it. I might share more later. I'm still digesting and processing. Thank you
I really enjoyed listening to this. Especially resonated with the ending paragraphs about giving this human thing a try. Thank you!
Thank you!!
Oh my! This is stunningly beautiful. And it reaches deep, beyond my skin, and touches my soul (wherever that is - I can't locate it, I simply feel it).
I believe this piece of writing found me at the exact moment I needed it. Or I found it. Or we found each other.
As you have capacity and desire please keep writing...I need it. The world needs it. I might share more later. I'm still digesting and processing. Thank you
Thank you ☺️